Friday, July 18, 2008

Cell me about it

Do you have old cell phones sitting in drawers or cabinets? Maybe you mean to take them to the police station to use for that program for women who are victims of domestic violence or maybe you plan to take them to Best Buy or Office Depot for recycling, but forget each time to actually go to the store.

Here's a trio of great-grandmotherly motivators to do the right thing -- store credit, cash or a charity.

See, Flipswap ( lets you trade in your old phone one of three ways:
  • Credit from a nearby dealer (the Web site has a locator)
  • Cash through an online trade-in (after entering information online, Flipswap sends you the box to send in your phone and then sends you a check)
  • A charitable donation through an online trade-in (works the same as the cash to you, only the check goes to the charity)
The company then sells the phones to people who want them, usually in poorer countries. Reduce, reuse, recycle -- what a great call!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

So, you can "recycle" your old phone, they come to you, you get money back, and you can make a charitable donation? What an easy way to be "green!" I think we have like 5 or 6 old cellphones floating around. I know my 2 year plays with one of them. Thanks for a great tip!