Sunday, April 20, 2008

Cornucopia of Craziness

Red's comment about chocolate got me thinking about the vindication of chocolate. Remember when chocolate was nothing but a guilty pleasure? Doctors said it gave you acne and made you fat. Now, the scientific word is, since chocolate has flavonoids, eating it in moderation can help prevent heart disease and cancer. Cool!

My guilty pleasure used to be potatoes. (Yes, I know I'm boring.) Doctors said white potatoes were too starchy/sugary and could help lead to diabetes. Well, "ha!" on them because current research shows potatoes have twice as much potassium and three times as much vitamin C as a banana. Potatoes also give you more than 20% of your recommended daily allowance of iron and magnesium.

The point here is, a food Red or I might have felt we should deprive ourselves of due to "the latest science" is, thanks to the latest, latest science, found to be good stuff. Our great-grandmothers didn't have to listen to "science" to tell them what to eat - they ate what made sense to them. With the recent medical reversals on not only chocolate and potatoes, but also on red wine, coffee, eggs and so many more grocery items, do you also have a food or drink that has been "vindicated"?


Anonymous said...

Butter. Margarine was supposed to be better than butter, but now it's found to be worse. It stinks I was deprived of butter all that time, but at least I have it back.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad sugar is OK again. Those sugar substitutes always had an aftertaste anyway.

Anonymous said...

Dark meat poultry. Mmmm. It's OK again!

Melissa said...

I'm trying to use common sense when I eat. If it's natural, my great-grandmother used it and could pronounce it, it's probably okay. She lived to 93 and died of old age. She had more common sense than anyone I've met with a degree in nutrition.