Thursday, May 8, 2008

Belly Fat May Make You Hungrier

You know the old saying: "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer." Well, a recent study says the fat get fatter. But there is something we can do about it. Here's an excerpt from the article found on Andrew Weil, M.D.'s website:

"The extra fat we carry around our waists could be making us hungrier. Dr. Yaiping Yang and researchers at the Lawson Health Research Institute (affiliated with The University of Western Ontario, Canada) found abdominal fat tissue can secrete a hormone that stimulates appetite and further fat cell production.

The researchers found that the hormone neuropeptide Y (NPY) is secreted by abdominal fat tissue. Previously, it was believed to be produced only by the brain. NPY is the most potent appetite stimulating hormone known, sending signals to the individual that they are constantly hungry.The “active” role of fat in appetite fits with the conclusion of science writer Gary Taubes, who gave a riveting presentation at the Fifth Annual Nutrition and Health Conference in Phoenix last month. Taubes cited a century of research to prove his point that, as he put it, “obesity is a disorder of excess fat accumulation,” and that the “primary defect is in the body, not the brain.” It does indeed appear that fatty tissue exerts a potent effect on hormonal levels, including those that regulate hunger, which can lead to a vicious cycle of overweight and overeating. The good news is that lowering insulin levels by lowering the glycemic load of foods consumed appears to be able to defeat this feedback mechanism. For the whole story, I highly recommend Taubes’ recent book, Good Calories, Bad Calories."

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