Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Mixing green with green

Like so many of us, I try to live green, but sometimes I'm afraid things touted as "green" are really no better than the energy-hogging alternatives. The recent kerfuffle over CFLs and mercury didn't help my jitters, even though CFLs were exonerated.

Thank goodness MSN is helping sort out the hype with its "Which Green Upgrades Are Worth the Extra Expense?" article. A little annoying to read since the article requires a click-through to get to each new topic, I still found the explanations ("assumptions," the article calls them) for how the reporter arrived at the money-savings to be quite, well, illuminating.

If you're pressed for time, the article's last page, a chart of potential money savings, is the quickest way to gain information.

Oh, and if you looking for me, I'll be out buying a low-flow showerhead.

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